LFO Tool will process incoming audio as well as generate a MIDI message stream for controlling other instruments. It empowers music producers to create tremolo, auto-pan, trance-gate, side-chain compressor simulation, and dubstep-type wobble effects with minimal effort. LFO Tool is an FX utility plug-in for both Macintosh OS X® and Windows®. Works also with time-line selections.It is intended for archiving purposes only. Nudge the position of the selected note/s OR all notes if no selection is made.ĭuplicate selection, or all notes in zoom range if nothing is selected, to the right. Open LFO tool when in lower Event Editor areaĬhange the selected note property of the note the mouse pointer is near or on. Switch waveform helper view (when available). Show next property in the Piano roll event lane (lower section)Ĭhange color of selected note/s (to selected color group) Some keyboard modifiers apply only to Draw mode (). Zoom to selection (numbers above typing keys)įit Performance Zone to Playlist (numbers above typing keys) Horizontal Zoom, show all (numbers above typing keys) Horizontal Zoom levels 1 (zoom out) to 3 (zoom in), (numbers above typing keys) Set a Time Signature at the Play head or time selectionĬenter Playlist to play-head position (numbers above typing keys) Select all Clips according to the currently selected Clip source Slice clip/pattern & delete smallest part (click above/below clip/pattern & drag vertical) Slice clip/pattern (click above/below clip/pattern & drag vertical) Move the playback marker to the start of the Playlist.Īdd and resize clip/pattern (move mouse L/R after click and hold to resize). Zoom on selection / Drag to make zoom selection (zoom on release) Select time before/after selection equal to the selection length Toggle Global Snap (none, current setting)ĭuplicate selection (or all Clips in zoom range if nothing is selected) to the right.Ĭonsolidate selected Pattern/Audio Clips to audio, starting from the first selected ClipĬonsolidate selected Pattern/Audio Clips to audio, starting from the start of the PlaylistĪdd space at the start of the timeline selection of equal length to the selectionĭelete space according to the timeline selection
#Lfo tool manual pdf free
Grouped Tracks Mute switches - Mute/Unmute all.Įngage snap free 'Slice Mode', release Alt after clicking on the Clip to use snapping.
Jump to Next/Previous song marker (if present) Move selected mixer track/s Left/Right (mouse-over track)Īlt Solo - Activate Current track and all tracks Routed TO/FROM Itīypass snap (very useful when combined with other modifiers) Link selected channels STARTING From selected mixer track Link selected channels to selected mixer track Select the channels Linked to the selected mixer track Switch On/Off recording (This also works during playback) Route selected Channel/s to free mixer track/s Repeated presses randomly choose colors.įorce restretch of all Audio Clip Channels
#Lfo tool manual pdf mac
If you know that ctrl is a command on a Mac and alt is option, then you’re all good! People often think that it’s a big difference but it’s not if get used to it and you will learn that quickly – your good to go!īelow are all the shortcuts for FL Studio listed each filtered on a window where you can use the shortcut.
#Lfo tool manual pdf pdf
Want all the FL Studio shortcuts in the PDF version? Click here.